“Hart Island had an institutional setting and bars on the windows, and it was all male, whereas the Phoenix House in the city was male and female. But we ran the program the same way, and I don’t know how long I was there, I must have been there five or six months when Phoenix House then opened up a re-entry facility at 204 West 84th Street, or something like that.”
Biography: Howard Josepher is founder (1988), president and Chief Executive Officer of Exponents, Inc. – an organization for people with and recovering from addiction, many formerly incarcerated or living with HIV. He is also a former resident and regional director of Phoenix House.
Keywords: Odyssey House; substance abuse; New York City; Phoenix House; detox; Britain; social work; spirituality; est; Esalen; India; Ram Dass; AIDS; rehabilitation; abstinence; law; Rajneesh/Osho