“But knowing me and my history, I don’t take the chance of, “Oh, they found a way to do it, you can do it now.” Uh-uh. You ain’t, no, you ain’t found a way for me to do it. I ain’t doing it. I don’t do it goddamned what way you come up with. I am not. I had enough. I am through, by choice. Finished.”
Biography: Hollis (Kandy) Latson was born in Raccoon Bend, Texas in 1936. As an early and prominent member of Synanon in California, he was recruited to Phoenix House by Mitchell Rosenthal.
Keywords: Phoenix House; Mitchell Rosenthal; US Navy; Forty-Nine Project; Synanon; Charles E. Dederich; Rikers Island; Hart Island; John Vliet Lindsay; John Rockefeller; Mia Rockefeller; Haight-Ashbury; Santa Monica; prisons; fundraising; public relations; God; Alcoholics Anonymous; substance abuse; relapse; Israel; England; New York City