
Cora Weiss Oral History Project

Cora Weiss, President of the Hague Appeal for Peace, has been well known as a peace activist since the early ‘60’s, when she was a national leader of Women Strike for Peace, which played a major role in bringing about the end of nuclear testing in the atmosphere. She was a leader in the anti-Vietnam war movement, organized demonstrations, including the largest one on November 15, 1969 in Washington, DC. As Co-Chair and Director of the Committee of Liaison with Families of Prisoners Detained in Vietnam, she organized the exchange of mail between families and POW’s in Vietnam which revealed names of those alive. She also arranged for and accompanied some returning POW pilots. Ms. Weiss was a volunteer teacher in the NY City public school system.

This was a single life history interview consisting of seven sessions and one narrator. This project speaks to the deeply textured history of peace movements and peace education in the United States, and how women’s movements and histories are intertwined therein. It illuminates the contributions of women’s leadership to peace advocacy in the United States.

(please consult "Guidelines for Researchers" at the Columbia Center for Oral History Archives for citation guidance)

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See Transcript and Listing at Columbia University Libraries

Keywords: human rights; American higher education; nuclear testing; decolonization; Africa; Vietnam; Vietnam War; demonstrations; divestment; United Nations; feminism; peace; peace education; leadership; racial discrimination; civil disobedience; speeches; diplomacy.